
Artistic Imagination

by Mariano Akerman

In Greek, mimesis stands for "imitation" • Still Life by Justus Junker

The imaginary often involves fantasy • Then Lilies turned to Tigers

The imaginary may also relate to the fabulous • A Renaissance Gryphon

At times imagination finds expression in terms of grotesqueness • A Fertile Man by Fontanarrosa

Disconcerting is the effect of the grotesque • Object, by Meret Oppenheim

The grotesque is a structure • Italian grotteschi

As a structure, the grotesque is usually a visual paradox • Treu: Enthusiasm is Not Enough

It combines or fuses incompatible elements • Santos Maschen: Dragon

Grotesque strategies literally attack by surprise • Anonymous: Hand

The grotesque frequently violates norms and conventions • Marcelo Bordese: Jonah and the Whale

It involves ambiguity • Bacon: Lying Figure in a Mirror

The grotesque suggests the monstrous • Giuseppe Arcimboldo: Water

Sometimes it relates to black humor • Bacon: Figure with Meat

Although there are some playful grotesques too • Jake Crees: Oops

Thus, a grotesque can be amusing • "Just don't expected it to roar"

But it can be unsettling as well • Carlos Nine: Colored Relief

The grotesque is a game with the absurd • Death and Soap Bubbles

Significantly, the grotesque defies interpretation • Bacon: Study for Figure at the Base of a Crucifixion, detail

As Giordano Bruno puts it, the fictitious image entails its own truth.