
Jan Oliehoek

Photo manipulations by Jan Oliehoek from Leiden, Holland.

Images were created between 2008 and 2010. All of them have been pieced together from stock photographs.

Oliehoek thinks of his photo manipulation as "a hobby" (Interview by The Design Inspiration, 27.8.2009). Yet, the output is truly professional. Moreover, the inventiveness and suggestive qualities of Oliehoek's hybrid motifs and other surreal configurations are no doubt outstanding.

To paraphrase José Ortega y Gasset, not at all modern and very 20th [21st] century.

And you may ask why. Well, the answer comes from Oliehoek himself: "I try to create images that are both photorealistic and impossible at the same time."

Drat_28, 2010

"I have received some comments on my animal hybrids by people who associate them with genetic manipulation. I even once received a very long message from someone who accused me of playing God and asked me to stop it. For me it’s very simple: I like making pretty pictures. I’m more interested in photo manipulation than genetic manipulation nowadays." —Jan Oliehoek (2009).

Croggy, 2008

"Looking through my own work, I have to conclude that almost all of them are a bit bizarre. I want my images to be eye-catching and I like making people do a double take when they look at them." —Jan Oliehoek (2009).

Chestnut Eye, 2008

Believe it or not.

Pregnant Head, 2008
Remarkable example of the now you see me, now you don't phenomenon in the visual arts.

The title of this image might be "Inclusion".


Dream House, 2008

Making Friends, 2010

The Netherlands, Creators, Visual art, Photo manipulation, Digital art, The Imaginary, Fantasy, Surrealism, Contemporary grotesqueness, Bestiary, Hybridity, 21st Century. Image research, selection and sequence by Mariano Akerman.

Frog Hippo
Science & Vie Junior, Issue 240, France, August 2009


  1. Alicia de Manifold3:39 PM

    Me encantan las fotografías y creo que es muy original su modo de armarlas. Un beso

  2. Rafael Foley10:22 AM

    Me gustan. Casi todas las imágenes conservan el buen gusto. Es fácil ser chocante de manera desagradable. Para mí hay arte al hacerlo con belleza.

  3. Claudia Itkin10:24 AM

    Me gusta mucho. Muy interesante e impresionante: atenta contra nuestros esquemas mentales.

  4. Sí, son ejercicios muy interesantes. Visualmente insólitos, digitalmente efectivos y genéticamente alarmantes.

  5. Jorge Bozzano10:30 AM

    Los fotomontajes de Oliehoek son muy buenos, aunque particularmente no me conmueven. Admiro su técnica y lo curiosas que pueden resultar algunas de sus hibridaciones, pero no más.
    Un abrazo, Jorge

  6. Mónica Ottino10:31 AM

    Como siempre, lo atroz está cerca de lo bello. Muchas gracias. Abrazos

  7. Liber Vigo10:34 AM

    Este señor Oliehoek es un tema! Con su manipulación digital ha hecho realidad los monstruos de Leonardo y de Michelangelo. Algunos son tentadores, pero cercanos de la ingeniería genética brutal, la que no respeta las leyes de la Naturaleza.
    Son como dibujos animados, pero con un corazón que late. Y me ponen la piel de gallina.
