

Somewhere between the Mask and the Face

Mascarade is a collection of images that explores the interplay between the mask and the face in the visual arts. Suggestive as it is, the material is thought-provoking and remains open to interpretation.

Personal research. No lucrative intentions involved. Educational purposes exclusively.

1. Just the two of us

2. Giuseppe Maria Mitelli, La Maschera, etching, 1688 (Le Collezioni d’Arte della Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna: Le Incisioni, ed. Franca Varignana, Vol. I).

3. Carnival wood mask from Switzerland. Musée de la Masque, Binche

4. Aloisio Giovanolli (1550-1618), Ornamental Head and/or Mascaron Grotesque, Mannerist etching. Ornamentstichsammlung, Kunstbibliothek, Berlin

5. Mariano Akerman, Cristalino, Primer movimiento (Crystalline—First Movement), gouache, 1986. Private collection, Buenos Aires

6. Francis Bacon, Portrait of Michel Leiris, oil, 1976. Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

7. Leonardo da Vinci, Three grotesque profiles, detail from a sheet with seven studies of grotesque faces

8. "What they have in mind," poster, late 1960s

9. Jacques Callot, "Burlesque musician," etching from his Varie figuri gobbi (various hunchbacked figures), 1616-22

10. Still from the film A Clockwork Orange (Stanley Kubrick, UK 1971).

11. Ibid

12. Still from the film Le voyage dans la lune (A Trip to the Moon; Georges Mélliès, France 1902).

13. Max Ernst, "Elle ressemblant...", La maison de la peur, collage, 1938

14. Leüthner, Ornamental Design: Mascaron Grotesque, Mannerist-Baroque engraving

15. Adobe Photoshop: Man-Dog

16. Quentin Metsys, A Grotesque Old Woman, oil detail, sixteenth century. National Gallery of Art, London

17. Figure by Max Ernst

18. Cornelis Floris, Ornamental Design: Mascaron Grotesque, Mannerist etching, 1555

19. "Exchange"

20. Mariano Akerman, Reality (Appearance and Evidence), pencil on paper, 1995

21. Luigi Serafini, "Pulcinella" from Pulcinellopedia piccola, pencil, c. 1984. Pulcinellopedia

22. Ibid

23. Untitled composition

24. Johann Heinrich Keller, Knorpelgroteske (Cartilaginous grotesque), etching, 1680

25. Friedrich Unteutsch, Knorpelwork, 1650. Engraving by Abraham Aubry

26. Leüthner, Ornamental Design: Mascaron Grotesque, Mannerist-Baroque etching

27. Christoph Jamnitzer, Grotesque from his Neuw Grotteßken Buch, etching, 1610

28. François Houtin, Arcimboldesque Design, drawing

29. Ornamental Design: Mascarons Grotesque (to be made of shells), French Mannerist engraving

30. Mascaron Grotesque, French Mannerist ornament

31. Cornelis Floris, Ornamental Design: Mascaron Grotesque, 1555. Engraving by Frans Huys

32. Kim Graham, Man Tree ("Jotuntre", Norwegian for King of the Trees), 2007. Recycled materials sculpture, built for the Fremont Solstice Parade, Seattle, June 2007; digital images, after photographs (background modified). "The artist's fingers [have] molded a warm smile, [...] wrinkled hands, and eyes of ageless wisdom," [... namely,] "the spirit of the forest" (McNerthney).

33. L'Ogre degli Orti (Hell-Mouth), Villa Orsini, Bomarzo, 1538-70. Claude Frontisi, Histoire visuelle de l'art, Paris: Larousse, 2002, p. 237: "Tout à la fois étonne, séduit et désoriente"

34. Giuseppe Maria Mitelli, Son testa, son paese, case e gente (I am Head, I am Country, Houses and People), etching, 1702 (Le Collezioni d’Arte della Cassa di Risparmio in Bologna: Le Incisioni; Vol. I).

35. Joris Hoefnagel, Grotesque head from Mira calligraphiæ monumenta, c. 1591, fol. 143v. J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles

36. Man-Tree, by an unknown photographer

37. Giulio Clovio, detail from a decorative border in the Farnese Hours, c. 1545. Giornale Nuovo

38. CD Cover: Misplaced Ideals, by Paul Young

39. Xul Solar, Pareja (Couple), watercolor detail, 1923. Malba, Buenos Aires

40. Jean Fautrier, Grande tête tragique (Large Tragic Head), bronze. Tate Gallery, London

41. Francis Bacon, Self-Portrait, oil, 1972. Gilbert de Botton Collection, Switzerland

42. The Kiss, from a French magazine, 2007

43. Francis Bacon, Study of Henrietta Moraes Laughing, oil, 1969. Private collection

44. "Disguise Skill—Try Harder"

45. Mariano Akerman, Mascarade, photograph, 2007
Grand Foyer, Opera Garnier, Paris

Louis-Léopold Boilly, Ah! lithograph, 1824

Online resources
McNerthney, Casey. Creature from Solstice Parade finds a Surprise Following, SeattlePi, 20.06.07
Misteraitch. Faces of the Grotesque, Giornale Nuovo, 10.06.06